Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This is a really powerful video from Van Gogh's grandson which earned him a jihad and he was shot.


Ok so I found this and it is just so friggin bizarre I had to share

So its head is transparent ewwwwww

The Life and Times of TOTA - 2/23/09

Jan Svankmajer

My favorite so far

He made the Czech Alice in Wonderland movie that I think would be great to show at Movie Night some time.

A link to a playlist of his movies

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Drumroll, please...

Welcome, everyone, to the interweb home of our quaint and curious organization. My name is Chris and, with the help of my co-president Troy and our lovely officer core, I hope to bring you marvels beyond your imagination. To quote the immortal Dr. Frank-N-Furter, "A mental mind fuck can be nice" every now and then. This will not always be pleasant, and it won't be quick, but by the time we're through you will have felt us, and you'll probably have liked it.

Curtains, curtains everywhere, and not a drop to think,

Lights, Cameras . . .


The Theatre of the Absurd is a collaborative, critical, and creative student organization dedicated to the promotion, discussion, and creation of new media artworks at Central Michigan University.